Free Soothing Sounds to Fall Asleep To

Free Soothing Sounds to Fall Asleep To

When it comes to falling asleep, there is no shortage of free soothing sounds that will help you do exactly that. Sounds can dramatically help us fall asleep.  In fact, “when a noise wakes you up in the night, it’s not the noise itself that wakes you up, per se, but the sudden change or inconsistencies…

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Best white noise canceling headphones for sleep

Best White Noise Canceling Headphones for Better Sleep

Blocking unnecessary noise at night can drastically help improve sleep. White noise, in particular, is a wonderful way to guide your mind to a more peaceful sleep. White noise functions as ‘anti noise’. It is redundant noise that helps distract your brain and tune out the thoughts that may be running through your mind.Types of…

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Best Sounds for Sleep

Best Sounds for Sleep

Why are sounds important to sleep?As we sleep, our brains can process sounds. Our auditory complex functions almost in the same way when we are sleeping than it does when we are awake. This complex directs our attention to the novelty of noise and compares it to the noises we hear in our bedrooms.  If sound…

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What color noise is best for sleeping?

White, Pink or Brown: What Color Noise is Best for Sleeping?

Not just any noise will help you fall asleep at night. While you may have heard of white noise, other frequencies of colored noises help when trying to fall asleep.  Colored noise technology has been around for years. Thomas Edison revealed common traits of sound frequencies. These discoveries revealed the benefits of playing back audio,…

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